We are looking at so much to get moms back to feeling that their body is functional and they can do all the activities they love. We always say that every mom needs a set of hands on their tummy after pregnancy and birth.
For every postpartum mom, we during an evaluation we are looking at:
Posture- head, neck, shoulders, rib cage, spine, pelvis, legs
Breathing- diaphragm function, rib cage and thoracic spine mobility
Abdominal wall- scars/adhesion, rib flare, diastatsis recti (abdominal separation) and umbilical hernias, visceral (organ) mobility
Spine and pelvis- alignment, mobility, strength
Pelvic floor - via internal and/or external assessment, coccyx (tailbone)
Upper extremity issues (shoulder, elbow, wrist/thumb)
Lower extremity issues (hip, knee, ankle, foot)
Urinary Issues - Leaking urine/incontinence with coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, jumping OR with urgency/frequency.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Feeling things are falling out of your vagina.
Scar Adhesions - Pelvic floor avulsion, episiotomy/perineal tearing, C-section restriction, c-section abdominal shelf.
Core Weakness/Impaired or Asymmetrical Activation
Pain or Difficulty with Sexual Activity/Penetration/Orgasm
Diastasis Recti, and/or Abdominal Pooching
Concerns with Return to Exercise, High-Impact Activities